Wickenburg Photography Group
👉 WAC Members: Download 2024/25 Membership Application:
Non-Members: Join WAC by Navigating to Membership at the top of the Home Page
You don’t have to be an “Expert Photographer” to be welcomed as a member of the Photography Group. All you need is an interest in photography; digital, film or a cell phone camera. Our aim is to encourage you to develop current and new interests and skills as well as to provide a place to meet friendly people who share your interest.
Education, hands-on learning opportunities, gallery exhibits, your photos exhibited in public places, field trips, speakers, demos are just some of the benefits of a photography group membership.
We meet the first Monday of the month from 4-6, Oct-May, at WAC Administrative Fees are $25.00 for the season/individual or $40.00 per couple. These fees cover our Speaker costs, Art Show Receptions and Awards plus administrative expenses.
Please join us for our first meeting of the season on
Monday Oct. 7th at 4:00 PM to meet new photographer friends and see what we have planned for the season.
For questions or further information contact:
Mark Harmon
Photography Club Co-Chair
Gary Requa
Photography club Co-Chair
Pamela Plummer
Membership Chair
Patty Reese
Artist of the Month Chair
Check for current activity on the Photography Group Facebook Page
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1537402249911456 Photo Group participants are welcome to join the Facebook Page and post your work, ask questions, or recommend an outing and invite the rest of the group.